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How to update a service?
How to update a service?
Updated over a week ago

This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to update a service.

The following categories and steps perform the update service:


  1. The configuration of the origin's IPv4 address or hostname.

  2. The load-balancing method for your origin is round-robin or primary failover.

  3. To add, edit, and delete more origin locations for high availability.

  4. To enable or disable, follow the redirects option.


  1. To enable or disable the Web Application Firewall (WAF)

  2. To enable or disable the Rate Limiting

  3. To enable or disable the Bot Management

Please note that the Bot Management can currently be enabled when WAF and the Rate Limiting are already enabled.

Canonical Names (CNAMEs):

  1. To add, edit, or delete a new ADN custom additional domain name.

  2. To add, edit, or delete a new CDN custom different domain name.

  3. To set/switch a secondary domain name to a new primary domain name.

  4. To set redirection of the secondary domain name to the primary domain name.


  1. To enable or disable the static cache.

  2. To enable or disable the dynamic and static cache.


  1. To force HTTP connections to HTTP(s).

  2. To provision Free Shared SSL for your domain names.

  3. To provision Custom SSL for your domain names. The Custom SSL may apply additional costs, depending on the service plan.

Access Control:

  1. To allow and bypass the security rules by specific IPv4 address or subnet up to /24.

    Please get in touch with our support team if you need more advanced Access Control configurations.

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